The Texas insurance market has brought many changes over the last 24 months and now is the time to prep for the coming year.
Insurance shopping remains very high while many consumers are choosing to stay with their current carrier as rates continue to rise. The past month has provided a slowing of rate increases but seen a few programs exit the market for new business or restricting agents to mono-line sales with heavier underwriting scrutiny and many eliminating access to COL / OTC.
Here are some of the latest rate changes:
Progressive +10%
United +7%
Allstate County Mutual +12.9%
Allstate Indemnity +9%
Anchor +20%
Lonestar MGA - Texas Ranger MGA - No new business
Nationwide - statewide commission reductions
Alinsco has experienced growth in new business as the market continues to constrain options. In the last 8 weeks we received hundreds of requests for appointment or reappointment.
We are ensuring our products are available to our faithful agents as we move into fourth quarter and prepare for the coming year and the continuing hard market.
Alinsco has updated our programs and will be adding additional updates to manage the demand: First, we have moved to a minimum $1k deductible as announced in our system last week. This in response to demand and climbing valuations. Further, we will be adding a double deductible discount on October 1st which will provide a discount for a double deductible applied only to the first 60 days of the policy. You may be familiar with this from other competing programs. In addition, you will see the application of our reinstatement fee for those policies which lapse.
It's been a good year at Alinsco and we are grateful for our relationship with you.