Rates continue to climb in Texas with more expected as carriers and MGAs continue to feel inflationary pressures. State Farm reported last week a $13 Billion loss in auto for calendar year 2022. This was their worst year on record. Many MGAs in Texas have large pending litigation which will impact their programs in the coming months as bodily injury and attorney rep counts are climbing within most carriers.
Consumer are searching for cost saving changes which is great news for agents. February 2023 marked the highest number of monthly quotes ever in ITC.
Here are some of the rate changes over the last 30 days
Progressive +5.2%
Falcon +12%
Elephant +6.4%
State Auto “Custom Fit” product +6.9%
TX Ranger +7.4%
Hidden amounts for: Apollo, SeaHarbor, Acuity, ASA, Excellent, IGA, Mendota, Newstar, NatGen, Peachtree, Southern Gen
Apollo +3%
Foremost +9%
AmWins Value +7% on liab only, (6%) on full covg
AmWins Excel (3%)
Aspen (4%) on liab only
Thank You
In just a few weeks Alinsco beings our 20th year. Our thanks to you for the many years of inclusion in your agency. We will be celebrating with agents throughout the next 12 months.
2023 Inflation
Consumers continue to feel the pinch of inflation as everyday item expense climbs. Gas prices remain above 2021. Further, new car pricing has increased in the current year.